Protector of Patients' Rights ZUACG "Montefarm"

The Law on the Rights of the Patients states that every person, sick or healthy, who requests health care must be provided respect for human dignity, physical and psychological integrity, and the protection of the rights established by the Law. In July 2010, the Law was adopted, and our Institution appointed the Protector of Patients' Rights years ago.

Download the Law

Any patient who believes that his rights guaranteed by the Law have been violated or threatened can contact the Protector of Patients' Rights at ZUACG "Montefarm" in writing or by e-mail by submitting the form (attached).

By the Law on Patients' Rights:

Anonymous complaints are not to be recorded.

Complaints can be submitted by the patient or a member of his family.

The reason for its submission must be specified in terms of the type, time, place and to whom the complaint is addressed.

The answer should be given as an opinion or notification about the essence and extent of the patient's right.

The answer is sent to the complainant no later than three days after the complaint was submitted.

The answer is sent to the complainant no later than three days after the complaint was submitted.

If the Director of the Institution or the Protector, through his mediation, corrected the noted error and thus prevented harmful consequences or jeopardizing the patient's rights - this is explained in the answer to the complaint.

The complaint can be addressed to the Health and Sanitary Inspection if the patient is not satisfied with the answer.

Rosa Čukić Ćorović, pharmacist
Patient Rights Defender of ZUACG "Montefarm"

Complaint form